Thursday, December 15, 2011

Ponce Inlet FLA to Lake Worth FLA - Dec 1-3

The morning of Dec 1, we slept in, and had a late start.  The marina was shallow at low tide, as was the channel we had to travel to get back to the ICW.  So, all in all, it was better to wait for mid – rising tide before leaving.  We left at 10:30, and traveled south to Titusville.  We anchored just past the JFK Center bridge for the night.  The following morning, we decided to continue down the ICW, since the offshore forecast was not looking good.  We ended up setting a new record for ICW distance, traveling 80 SM on a motorsail with 15-20 knot winds to reach our intended anchorage at Ft Pierce.  We arrived before sunset and settled in to an anchorage just past the Fort Pierce North bridge.  On Saturday, we traveled the final 50 SM to Lake Worth.  It was a good motor sail/sail, and just a few final bridges to pass through.  We arrived just before 4:00P and settled into the anchorage.  This will be our spot to reprovision, do laundry and visit West Marine before heading across to the Bahamas.

Night Shot of the Lighthouse

Pat & Walt at the Helm

Sunset at Titusville

Kite Sailing

A Gozzard - nice boat

Dinghy Races

Christmas House in Palm Beach

Anchored in Lake Worth

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