Sunday, December 18, 2011

Lake Worth FLA to Great Sale Cay, Bahamas - Dec 6-7

After taking care of necessities in Lake Worth, the forecast was showing a short weather window for crossing the Gulf Stream Tuesday night.  East winds of 15-20 knots, settling into less than 10 knots on Wednesday before building again.  Good for motoring across.  After moving down to anchor at the inlet that afternoon, we left at 12:30A for a night crossing.  It took 16 hours to cross, with the forecasted winds right on target.  We arrived in the Bahama Banks in daylight, at 9:00A and threw out a fishing pole to see what could get.  The water went from too deep for the depth sounder to register to less than 20 feet in a matter of minutes. The crossing of the Banks was on absolutely flat, hazy, pale blue water.  We made first landfall at 4:30 that afternoon at Great Sale Cay, a popular stopover for boats crossing the Banks.

Staging at Lake Worth Inlet

Fishing on Little Bahama Banks

Nice Fish - but we let it go

Flat Waters - on the Banks

Pat at the helm

First Landfall - Great Sale Cay

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