Saturday, December 24, 2011

Manjack Cay - Dec 10-11

After Spanish Cay, we headed south to Manjack Cay, just north of Green Turtle.  This was the original destination of the group of boats we followed out of Great Sale Cay.  It is a popular anchorage for boaters waiting for weather to get through Whale Cut into Marsh Harbor.  We got a chance to attend a full moon party held by a lovely couple of retired cruisers who now live on the cay.  They host a party once a month this time of year for cruisers at anchorage.  We had a nice bonfire on the beach, with everyone bringing a dish to eat. The hit was a young couple who had caught a bunch of local lobster, so their dish was lobster wrapped in bacon – quite a treat.  We had a chance to get in the water and do some snorkeling.  We saw an octopus, and were given a lobster tail for telling a couple where to find a lobster that we had spotted while snorkeling – it made a nice appetizer that evening.   

Anchored at Manjack Cay

Gathering for the Full Moon party

Building the bonfire

The bonfire works

The appetizer

Local driftwood art

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