Saturday, December 24, 2011

Great Sale Cay to Spanish Cay - Dec 8 - 10

The next morning, we started late after trying to gather as much weather information from fellow boaters in the anchorage.  We were challenged as far as communication since we don’t have a single sideband radio on board, and were in too remote a location for cell phones or internet.  We left about 10:30 with winds back up for a good motor sail, following a group of boats from the anchorage, listening to them talk about weather and destinations.  They were headed to Manjack Cay.  We ended up taking a different course to Allens-Pensacola Cay for the night.  We dropped the dinghy and did a little exploring around the coastline. 

The next day we headed to Spanish Cay, where we stopped at a marina – our first chance to call home and check email.  It was also a good spot to clear customs, have a good hot shower, and dinner of cracked conch and grouper. It was managed by Chuck, from the great state of Alabama, who was more that hospitable.  The key lime pie was judged the best we have had. We spent the following morning touring Spanish Cay, which had its own airstrip, and got a chance to see a live conch in the shell. 

Motorsailing to Allens-Pensacola Cay
Walt listening to boat chatter

Anchored at Allens-Pensacola

The Allens Cay Hilton

Sunset at Allens-Pensacola

Spanish Cay
Local Conch

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