Friday, November 18, 2011

White Stone to Norfolk - Nov 6

We left White Stone at 7:30A, with a send off from neighbors Dan and Debbie (not pictured).  Dan is heading off for his own adventure next Saturday with a friend making a crossing to Bermuda.  I left with my brother Jerry for a day trip to Norfolk to begin the trip down the ICW. Kim drove back to Charlotte. 

We made good time down the Bay, with a light 10 knot wind - 8 to 9 knots. Something must have been pushing us. This was to be the only time on the trip to have the sails up. Jerry got to see Wolftrap from the Bay, which was special since he has a place on Horn Harbor. We crossed over the Hampton - Norfolk tunnel about the same time Diane (Jerry's wife) was coming into Norfolk by car to pick up our next crew at the airport.  She said she saw us pass by on the boat - quite a coincidence.  We arrived at Waterside marina at the same time they pulled in by car.  

Kim, Bill and Jerry at the dock

Leaving Pitmans Cove

Motor Sailing on the Chesapeake
Jerry says hello to Wolftrap

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