Saturday, November 19, 2011

Alligator River to Pamlico River - Nov 9

It was a good night's sleep on the Alligator River. The water was calm and the temperature mild.  We got a 7:30A start the next morning and made 69 statute miles. Down the Alligator - Pungo canal (20 miles). Down the Pungo River past Belhaven and across the Pamlico River. We made good time and are on pace with our new schedule. It was another sunny day with highs in the low 70's. We are getting incredible luck with November weather, but there is a front coming in Wednesday night. We got in tonight with daylight to spare, and are anchored in Eastham Creek - just south of the Pamlico River. The creek is beautiful, but sunset brought a swarm of mosquitoes.  Luckily they cleared out after dark, and we were able to dispense with the ones still in the boat. Tomorrow is another long day - shooting to get to a marina before the front comes through.

The Alligator - Pungo Canal

Motor Cruiser on the Pamlico River

Anchorage at Eastham Creek

Sunset - Eastham Creek

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