Saturday, November 19, 2011

Swansboro to Wrightsville - Nov 11

The next morning dawned with high winds.  We waited until 9:30, and left Swansboro in 15-20 knot winds - gusting to 25.  Leaving the dock was a little tricky, but we got underway without incident.  Although we had wind, this was also a day of motoring, since the wind we had was on our nose. Needless to say, speed was sacrificed. Winds died by 3:00P, and we arrived in calm but dark conditions.  This was a true night arrival.  I lost count of the bridges, and had to wait on a couple of them. We got into the marina in Wrightsville at 6:30P, and were assisted by very capable dock hands. We settled in at a local pub, and watched the UNC-Mich game.  There is a change of crew tomorrow - and the ability to sleep in...

Dudley's marina - Swansboro
The Pink House
Figure Eight Island Swing Bridge
Passing Through Figure Eight Island Bridge

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