Saturday, November 19, 2011

Pungo Ferry to Alligator River - Nov 8

This morning we awoke in a fog bank, so our 7:00A departure slipped to 8:30. As it began to lift, we followed another sailboat, Nomad, and a barge out of the fog and pushed on to Coinjock for refueling and lunch. We continued on across the Albemarle Sound to the Alligator River. We slipped thru the swing bridge just as the sun set, and anchored just out of the channel on the river.  We made 58 statute miles today - not bad for a late start - and no wind. Weather has been very mild - surprising for early November. We actually needed sunscreen today.  We are hoping to pick up the pace tomorrow.

Foggy morning at Pungo Ferry

Passing our first barge

Crossing the Albemarle Sound

Sunset on the Alligator River

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